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Too picky in love, or haven’t met the right person yet?

By Rabbi Yisroel Bernath

Dear Rabbi Bernath,

I’m in my 30s. I’ve had several serious, long-term partners, but never have I been in a relationship in which I didn’t feel extremely ambivalent — both about the other person and the prospect of embarking on a lifelong partnership. As soon as I’m involved with someone seriously, I tend to become hyper-critical of them and fixate on the aspects of their personality I don’t like. I often compare them to my previous partners, despite the fact that things clearly didn’t work out with said partners. So what’s the deal? Is the problem with me? Am I too critical and scared of commitment to be in a lasting, serious relationship, or have I simply not met the right person yet?


Dear Jennifer,

Thank you for your honesty and your trust in me. Lately, I’ve been hearing this question quite a bit. Relationships seem to be confusing to a lot of people. Maybe that’s why marriage and relationships books have become so popular.

Let’s try to figure this out together. Since we’re being honest, I think the first thing you need to say to yourself is: “I am the common denominator of all my failed relationships.” It’s important to take ownership of your past relationships and the choices you made, or didn’t make. If you blame everybody else for your challenges, you’ll be stuck in a prison of your own making.

The ball is in your court. You’re in control, and you have the power to analyze and understand your challenge.

Do you know what you’re looking for? Have you ever sat down and asked yourself, “what is it that I am looking for in a relationship?”

Today, most people either have no idea what their partner should act like — they just go meet people and “guess and test” — or they daydream about a Prince(ss) Charming who doesn’t exist outside of fairy tales. If you’re looking to get into a long-term relationship, you need to have a realistic idea of the qualities you are looking for.

When people have irrational fears, the conscious mind comes up with all kinds of excuses and reasons to justify that fear.

Whenever I meet with a single person seeking a relationship, I first go through a process of discovering what that person really wants. I’m not talking about the small stuff people can get hyper-critical about. I’m talking about the big stuff — what kind of person your soulmate should be.

Once you know what you are looking for, you will have to ask whether your subconscious is scared of something causing you to find fault in your potential partner. When people have irrational fears, the conscious mind obsessively comes up with all kinds of excuses and reasons to justify that fear. We don’t like to face our own irrationality, so we hang it on an excuse.

Why might you be scared? The culprit is usually relationship trauma. Often we don’t have good role models for a long-term commitment. On the contrary, many people have witnessed firsthand how things can go sour. If this is your problem, you need to do two things.

First, get past the trauma by realizing that it’s not your fault and that you don’t have to repeat the mistakes of your role models. History is not doomed to repeat itself. Identify what went wrong and how you will do it differently. (A therapist can help with this.)

Second, find a new “marriage role model” or mentor and discover how great commitment can be. Find happy couples and soak in their story for a little while. Discover for yourself that successful and loving relationships are possible.

Nothing is more satisfying than the love, unconditional acceptance, and joy of a long-term relationship. You won’t understand it until you’ve been in it for a few years.

You’ll have to trust me on this one.

Rabbi Yisroel Bernath

Rabbi Yisroel Bernath, named “La Rabbin de Lamour” by the La Presse online daily and “Montreal’s Hipster Rabbi” by VICELAND’s Matty Matheson, is the director of Chabad of NDG and the Jewish Chaplain at Concordia University in Montreal.

Got your own question for Rabbi Bernath? He can be reached at rabbi@jewishndg.com or www.theloverabbi.com

Single? You can make a profile on www.JMatchmaking.com, and Rabbi Bernath will help you find that special someone.

Having made 104 matches (that he knows of) to date, Rabbi Bernath is lovingly called “The Love Rabbi” – and for good reason! Rabbi Bernath has successfully helped hundreds of singles break through the “singles wall”. His caring yet firm style has given singles the hope and clarity they need to navigate dating and long-term relationships. Rabbi Bernath founded JMatchmaking International, a network of Jewish dating sites. In addition to being a matchmaker and dating coach, Rabbi Bernath is also the author of three books, and continuously produces engaging content on his many social media & podcast platforms. Rabbi Bernath is also the spiritual director at Chabad of NDG and the Jewish Chaplain at Concordia University. 

Rabbi Yisroel Bernath

Cherished for his incredible warmth and non-judgmental personality, Rabbi Bernath is the founder of JMatchmaking International, a network of Jewish dating sites. He recently celebrated his 104th engagement (that he knows of!) In addition to being a matchmaker and dating coach, Rabbi Bernath is also the author of three books, and continuously produces engaging content on his many social media & podcast platforms. As a professional voice-over artist, screen-writer, and actor, he has been a part of dozens of productions, including the hit CBC Documentary "Kosher Love". You can find out more about Rabbi Bernath at theloverabbi.com

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